This is a story of hard work, vision, and consistency. A story of hope and determination. In less than two years, Villains Entertainment, the ultimate hotels animation company, has risen to great heights.

8 hotels across Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have embraced the Villains revolution. And what them us apart? Their unwavering belief in quality over quantity. They understand that it's not just about the numbers; it's about delivering the best quality possible and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Villains is not just a company; it's a dream. A dream that started with a vision to redefine hotel entertainment, and through hard work and dedication, has become a reality. Their passion for their craft and their commitment to inspiring others is what makes them truly extraordinary.

  • Professional Teams
  • Most Creative Ideas
  • Unique Entertainment Services
  • Best Quality Possible
  • Creating Lifetime Memories
  • Truly Extraordinary

We believe in providing unique entertainment services for hotels that care about giving their guests an unforgettable experience.

We understand that each hotel is different from the other, and that's why we ensure that every hotel gets a different entertainment program that suits their needs. Our team of professionals is committed to providing the most creative ideas.


Whether it's for the poolside, the beach, or the lobby , our team will come up with the most innovative Ideas to impress the Guest . From Squid game to Festivals, beach parties, pool parties , Arabian festival,Gladiator,competing events and much more, we ensure that

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The Shortest Way to a happy holiday

Our Location

Sharm El Shiekh and United Arab of Emirates

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